

Category : Vitamins & Minerals

Product Group : Animal Health

Animal Type: Horse-cattle, foal-calf, sheep-goat, dog

Commercial Presentation: It is offered for sale in 100 ml and 250 ml colorless, transparent type 2 glass bottles, with gray bromobutyl stopper and blue flip-off cap.

Active Ingredient: 190 mg (17.69 mg calcium equivalent) Calcium gluconate, 45 mg (3.68 mg calcium equivalent) Calcium glucoheptonate, 60 mg (15.32 mg magnesium equivalent) Magnesium chloride, 4 mg Butofosphan


Method of Application

Kalsimeks Solution for Injection is a clear, slightly yellowish sterile solution for injection.


Calsimeks Solution for Injection; from calcium, magnesium and phosphorus deficiency in cattle, horses, sheep, goats and dogs
It is used in the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic metabolic disorders caused by
In cattle: Hypocalcemic paralysis (birth fever, paresis puerperalis), tetany (pregnancy or lactation tetany, travel, stable, meadow tetany), diseases due to deficiency of minerals in its composition (rickets, osteomalacia), allergies, anaphylaxis, decubitus wounds, poisoning, puerperalosis in hemoglobinuria and underdevelopment in newborns
In horses: tetanis, diseases due to deficiency of minerals in its composition (rickets, osteomalacia), morbus maculosus,
in allergies, decubitus cases, poisonings, neuroses and underdevelopment in newborns
In sheep and goats: Osteomalacia, acetonuria, decubitus wounds for no apparent reason, metabolic disorders caused by the lack of minerals in its composition, poisoning, neurosis and developmental failure in newborns
In dogs: It is used in eclampsia, urticaria, anaphylaxis, hematuria, rickets, osteomalacia, allergies, poisonings and neuroses.
In general, in all target species, lead, especially chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, organophosphorus insecticides,
It is used in poisoning caused by metals such as mercury, copper, tin, cadmium.


Unless otherwise recommended by the veterinarian, Kalsimeks Injectable Solution; It is administered to cattle, horses, sheep, goats and dogs by intramuscular (i.m), intravenous (i.v) and subcutaneous (s.c) routes. Pharmacological dose; 22.62 mg/kg body weight calcium, 15.32 mg/kg body weight magnesium, 4 mg/kg body weight butafosphan. The practical dose table is as follows:

Target Animal Type Live Weight Kalsimeks Inj. Sol. Dosage Usage Way
Cattle-Horse 300-500 kg 300-500 ml Intramuscular (i.m)
Intravenous (i.v)
Subcutaneous (s.c)
Calf-Foal 50-100 kg 50-100 ml Intramuscular (i.m)
Intravenous (i.v)
Subcutaneous (s.c)
Sheep-Goat 50-100 kg 50-100 ml Intramuscular (i.m)
Intravenous (i.v)
Subcutaneous (s.c)
Dog 5-20 kg 5-20 ml Intramuscular (i.m)
Intravenous (i.v)
Subcutaneous (s.c)

Low dose should be chosen in light animals and high dose should be selected in heavy animals. The solution should be at body temperature before use. In large animals, half the dose can be given slowly intravenously and half subcutaneously. In small animals, intramuscular administration should be preferred. In subcutaneous injection, the dose must be injected into several different sites.
In cases of hypocalcemic paralysis and decubitus, the drug administration should be repeated every 6 hours until the lying animal can stand or stand. In case of recurrence of the disease, treatment is continued until success is achieved. The duration and period of the application are determined according to the recommendations of the veterinarian.


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