It is a protective and curative fungicide. It is a commonly used fungicide against Alternaria, Botrytis, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Venturia and many other diseases.
Method Of Application
1st application should be done right after the leaves fall in autumn;
2nd is in spring during the pink bud stage and before florescence.
Black spot of apple:
First spraying should be done when the flower buds swell, second: during the white bud stage, third: when 70-80% of the petals have fallen, and fourth and subsequent sprayings: at 8-10 day intervals depending on weather conditions and course of disease.
1st application should be done right after the leaves fall in autumn;
2nd is in spring during the pink bud stage and before florescence.
In citrus fruit gardens (against fruit infections);
1st spraying is made before the rainfalls in autumn, (against stem infections) it should be made 15 days after the first spraying in rainy climate conditions.
Mildew of lettuce:
A protective spraying should be made before any disease in seedbeds. If downy mildew is observed, spraying should be continued until the seedlings are confounded to fields at one week intervals after the diseased parts are collected and destroyed. Spraying should be started when with disease observed in the surrounding in the cycle of field, should be continued at least one week before harvest at one week intervals. Spraying should be made after watering and the leaves get dry in the seedbed.
Black spot of loquat;
1st spraying should be made before the flower buds swell,
2nd spraying is before the flower buds open,
3rd spraying is made after the flower petals fall,
4th spraying and other sprayings: from 3rd spraying to 20 days before harvest at 10 day intervals.
Mildew of onion:
If it is necessary to start management with the fact that daily average temperature reaches 16° C and the proportional humidity reaches at least 80%, spraying can be started with the detection of the first signs of disease in the environment.
Shot hole of peach:
1st spraying should be done right after the leaves fall in autumn;
2nd spraying in spring when the flower buds swell and before florescence.
Black spot of pear:
1st spraying should be done when flower buds develop,
2nd spraying during the white bud stage,
3rd spraying when 70-80% of the petals have fallen,
4th and subsequent sprayings at 8-10 day intervals depending on weather conditions and course of disease.
Pocket plum:
1st spraying should be done when buds develop;
2nd spraying: when 80% of the petals have fallen.
Mildew of potato:
Administration is started when climatic conditions like high moisture is formed for the emergence of disease or with the first symptom of disease in the surrounding and administration is repeated at 10 day intervals depending on severity of disease.
Mildew of tomato:
Spraying should be started when brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm are noticed on tomato leaves, with a white ash-like conidiospore layer on the lower surface. Spraying is repeated at 10-12 day intervals as long as weather conditions continue being suitable for disease.
Leaf mold of tomato:
When the first spots are observed on the leaves, spraying is started. Spraying is repeated at 10-15 day intervals. Spraying should be discontinued 15-20 days before harvest.
Seedling root rot and small caltrop in vegetable seedlings:
When disease is observed in seedbed, spraying is started, spraying is made 2-3 times a week until the disease stops.
Mildew in vineyard:
Application is done when offshoots reach 25-30 cm in length and continued with at an interval of 10-15 days depending on climatic conditions and course of disease.
Other Informations
It can be mixed with products other than those with strong alkaline and oil-containing properties. A trial mix is recommended before large-volume mix preparation.
Detailed Table Information
Captan H | Carnation |
Rust (Uromyces caryophyllus)
250 g/100 l water (Summer application) | 7 days |
Captan H | Peach |
Flower monilia in stone fruit (Monilia laxa = Seclerotinia laxa)
300 g / 100 L Water | 3 days |
Captan H | Tobacco |
Damping off (Pythium spp.)
200 g/100 l water | 0 days |
Captan H | Tobacco |
Damping off (Fusarium spp.)
200 g/100 l water | 0 days |
Captan H | Tobacco |
Damping off (Rhizoctonia spp.)
200 g/100 l water | 0 days |
Captan H | Tobacco |
Damping off (Alternaria spp.)
200 g/100 l water | 0 days |
Captan H | Tobacco |
Damping off (Sclerotinia spp.)
200 g/100 l water | 0 days |
Captan H | Tomato |
Noble mold in vegetables (Botrytis cinerea)
250 g/100 l water (Summer application) | 7 days |
Captan H | Apple |
Black Spot (Venturia inaequalis)
150 g / 100 L Water | 3 days |
Captan H | Cherry |
European brown rot of stone fruit (Monilia laxa=Sclerotinia laxa)
300 g / 100 L Water | 3 days |
Captan H | Citrus Fruits |
Brown rot of citrus, gummosis of citrus (Phytophthora citrophthora)
300 g/100 l water, Fruit infections | 7 days |
Captan H | Lettuce |
Mildew (Bremia lactucae)
300 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Loquat |
Black spot (Venturia inaequalis var. Eriobotryae)
300 g / 100 L Water | 3 days |
Captan H | Onion |
Mildew (Peronospora destructor)
300 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Peach |
Shot-hole of stone fruit (Wilsonomyces carpophilus)
300 g / 100 L Water | 3 days |
Captan H | Pear |
Black spot (Venturia pirina)
150 g / 100 L Water | 3 days |
Captan H | Plum |
Pocket plum (Taphrina pruni)
300 g / 100 L Water | 3 days |
Captan H | Potato |
Mildew (Phythophthora infestans)
350 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Tomato |
Mildew (Phythophthora infestans)
300 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Tomato |
Leaf mold(Cladosporium fulvum)
250 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Vegetables |
Seedling root rot (Pythium spp.)
200-250 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Vegetables |
Seedling root rott (Fusarium spp.)
200-250 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Vegetables |
Seedling root rot (Rhizoctoina spp.)
200-250 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Vegetables |
Seedling root rot (Alternaria spp. )
200-250 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Vegetables |
Seedling root rot (Sclerotinia spp.)
200-250 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Vegetables |
Seedling root rot (Phytophthora spp.)
200-250 g / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Captan H | Vineyard |
Black Spot (Phomopsis viticola)
250 g/100 l water (Summer application) | 3 days |
Captan H | Vineyard |
Black Spot (Plasmopara viticola)
300 g / 100 L Water | 3 days |
نقد و بررسیها
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