A high-quality and high-purity fungicide which consists of ready-to-use Bordeaux mixture equivalent to 20% Metallic Copper, can be used directly by mixing with water and is recommended for management of many major diseases in many plants.
Method of Application
Black spot of apple: First spraying should be done when the flower buds swell (3-5 days earlier if branches are affected), second during the pink bud stage (when flowers can be seen separately), third when 70-80% of the petals have fallen, and fourth and subsequent sprayings at 15-day intervals depending on weather conditions and course of disease.
Shot hole of stone fruits (Apricot): 1st spraying: After leaf-fall in autumn (dormant stage); 2nd spraying: Before flower buds open in spring (normal stage); 3rd spraying: When the fruit’s sepal and stamen sheath go past the tip of the fruit.
Peacock spot in olive: Marmara Region: 1st spraying: In the first half of October; 2nd spraying: In the first half of April. Aegean Region: 1st spraying: Before shoots are formed in olives (in February); 2nd spraying: Before olives blossom (in April). Mediterranean Region: 1st spraying: In November and December 2
Leaf curl of peach: Used when the flower buds are about to swell.
Mildew in tomato: Spraying should be started when brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm are noticed on tomato leaves, with a white ash-like conidiospore layer on the lower surface and is repeated at a 10-day interval.
Mildew in vineyard: 1st application is started when offshoots are 25-30 cm in length on average; 2nd application is made 15 days after first spraying. By considering meteorological factors such as daily temperature and precipitation averages, relative humidity and dew, administrations should be made when suitable conditions for disease infection are formed, administrations should be discontinued when the conditions disappear.
Dead arm in vineyard: Winter application: After pruning and immediately before the buds open, Summer application: 1st spraying: When offshoots are 2-3 cm in length; 2nd spraying: When offshoots are 8-10 cm in length; 3rd spraying: When offshoots are 25-30 cm in length.
Other Informations
Compatibility: HEKTAŞ BORDO should be used alone, without mixing with other pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators etc.).
Detailed Table Information
Bond* : Cannot be used in vineyards where vines are grown for consumption purposes.
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Olive |
Ring spot disease (Spilocaea oleaginea)
1.application1500 g / 100 L water, 2.application1000 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Peach |
Leaf curl (Taphrina deformans)
1500 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Orange |
Brown rot and stem gumming on citrus fruits (Phytophthora citrophthora)
500 ml/100 L water | 14 days |
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Apricot |
Leaf piercing in hard seed fruits (Wilsonomyces carpophilus)
1250 g / 100 L water (dormant period), 625 g / 100 L water (normal period) | 14 days |
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Apricot |
Leaf piercing in hard seed fruits (Wilsonomyces carcophilus)
1st application 1000 ml/100 L water (Dormant period) 2nd application 600 ml/100 L water (Spring application) 3rd application 600 ml/100 L water (Spring application) | 14 days |
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Apple |
Black stain (Venturia inaequalis)
1500 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Tomato |
Mildew (Phythophthora infestans)
400 g / da | 14 days |
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Bond* |
Dead arm (Phomopsis viticola)
3500 g / 100 L water (winter application), 500 g / 100 L water (summer application) | 14 days |
Hektaş Bordo 20 WP | Bond* |
Mildew (Plasmopara viticola)
500 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
نقد و بررسیها
حذف فیلترهاهیچ دیدگاهی برای این محصول نوشته نشده است.