
Category : Fungicides

Product Group : Crop Protection

Active Ingredient : 200 g/l Azoxystrobin + 125 g/l Difenoconazole

Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)

Alfosetil 80 Wp

Category : Fungicides

Product Group : Crop Protection

Active Ingredient : %80 Fosetyl-AL

Formulation : Wettable Powder (WP)

Package : 1kg , 250 gr

Anaflex %05

Category : Anti-inflammatory

Product Group : Animal Health

Animal Type : Calf, cattle, horse, dog, cat

Commercial Presentation: 50 ml in a cardboard box and is presented in colorless glass bottles of 100 ml.

Active Ingredient: It is a sterile, clear yellow colored, odorless, fluid solution and contains 5 mg of Meloxicam per ml.

Indications: 50 ml in a cardboard box. and is presented in colorless glass bottles of 100 ml.


Category : Fungicides

Product Group : Crop Protection

Active Ingredient : 310 g/L Pyrimethanil + 95 g/L Trifloxystrobin

Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)

Package : 500 ml


Category : Feed Additive

Product Group : Animal Health


Category : Oral Antibacterial

Product Group : Animal Health


Category : Fungicides

Product Group : Crop Protection

Active Ingredient : 450 g/L Prochloraz

Formulation : Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)

Package : 1 L, 5 L

Barrier 35 DS

Category : Fungicides

Product Group : Crop Protection

Active Ingredient : %35 Metalaxyl

Formulation : Powder for dry seed treatment (DS)

Package : 600 g

Barrier® 35 WG

Category : Fungicides

Product Group : Plant Protection

Active Ingredient: 35% Metalaxyl

Formulation : Water Dispersible Granule (WG)